Student Careers Advice

Student Careers Advice and Work Experience

Seva Education uses Compass+ to record and audit the quality of our careers advice against the Gatsby Benchmarks. We also work closely with the Education Development Trust and the West London Careers Hub to ensure that we can offer the most up to date careers advice.

Careers Advice
We believe that all of our students should have access to relevant careers advice. We achieve this through the following:
Lessons delivered by teachers through the PSHE Curriculum
Visits from employers
Visits from specialist careers advisors (Connexions)
Information from local authorities and charities

Work Experience
All of our students have the right to explore and gain experience of the work environment. This will look different for each student depending on their needs.
We offer:
Internal work experience within the wider Seva Care Group
Work experience with local companies
Virtual work experience opportunities

Click here to view our Careers Handbook