Fair, open and honest

Compliments and complaints

Listening to you

All compliments are valued and shared with relevant staff. All complaints are taken seriously and dealt with following the schools’ complaints policy and procedure.

We take great pride in our excellent work and love to hear feedback about all the great things we do for our students and as a team. We accept compliments and feedback in all forms.

  • By email
  • By letter
  • Face to face
  • Over the phone
The Executive Headteacher, Head of Schools, Head of Further Education and staff are always pleased to hear from people who appreciate the hard work going on at Seva Education. However, although most parents do have positive relationships with their children’s schools, occasionally concerns arise.

Complaints Procedure

We consider all complaints fully and aim to resolve them through dialogue and mutual understanding and, in all cases, we put the interests of the student above all other issues. Written records will be kept of all compliments and complaints and in the latter, we also record the stage at which they were resolved.

All correspondence, statements and records of complaints will be kept confidential.

The procedure is devised with the intention that it will:

  • Usually be possible to resolve problems by informal means (before or at stage one of the procedures)
  • Be simple to use and understand
  • Treat complaints confidentially
  • Allow problems to be handled swiftly
  • Address all points causing concern
  • Inform future practice so that the problem is unlikely to recur
  • Reaffirm the partnership between families and staff as they work together for the good of the students in the school
  • Ensure that the school’s attitude to a student would never be affected by a parental complaint
  • Ensure that all staff have opportunities to discuss and understand the school’s response to concerns and complaints made by families or other persons
  • Ensure that any person complained against has equal rights with the person making the complaint

If you have a complaint about a staff member or processes implemented by the school, it is the responsibility of the school, and not the local authority, to investigate the complaint. Each school will have a complaints procedure which will tell you who to direct your complaint to and when you could expect a response by.

Who can complain?

You may complain yourself, or you may get someone to support you. The person you choose to support you could be a friend, a family member or some other individual or group.

Where do I begin?

Think about the nature of your complaint and try to note down the details. In particular write down:

  • what you are complaining about
  • when and where the incident occurred
  • who else was involved
  • whether anyone saw it happen
  • who you have spoken to already and
  • what you would like to see happen as a result of your complaint

Contact the administration team and ask who the best person is to deal with your complaint. This may be your child’s class teacher, the Head of School or the Executive Headteacher.

If the matter cannot be resolved at this point, the school may need to look further into the matter and carry out an investigation. This should be dealt with in an agreed timescale by the appropriate person. When all relevant facts have been established, you should receive a written response.

If the complaint handler agrees your complaint is justified, they will tell you what action will be taken.

If you are not happy with the outcome then you should write to the Chair of Governors at Seva Education. Your letter should be marked as ‘Private and confidential’.

The Chair of Governors may contact you to arrange a meeting to discuss your complaint where it will consider evidence from you and the Executive Headteacher.

What if my complaint is about the Head of School or another member of senior management?

You should contact the Chair of Governors, in writing.

What if my complaint is about the governing body or about an individual governor?

You should still contact the Chair of Governors who will investigate your concerns. If the complaint is about the Chair of Governors, you should contact a member of the Senior Management Team. The school should be able to tell you their names. If you have a complaint about the governing body, you should contact the Executive Headteacher, who will be able to support you through the processes.

How long will it take?

Complaints should be handled quickly, and most issues should be resolved in a few days. The school should complete most investigations within 20 school days but, if a complaint goes through all the stages listed above, it may take several months to resolve.

What can I expect to happen?

You should expect to be listened to so that your complaint can be understood. If your complaint needs to be investigated, you should give the headteacher or the Chair of Governors enough time to do this. A reasonable amount of time to carry out an investigation would be 20 school days. You should be informed if it will take longer than this. If the school agrees that your complaint is justified, they should tell you what actions will be taken. If the school does not support your complaint, they should tell you why and you can ask for these reasons to be given to you in writing.

Who else can help me?

If you feel worried about making a complaint about a school, you may involve a friend, representative or interpreter to support you. There are also agencies who might be able to help:

The Advisory Council for Education (ACE) tel: 0808 800 5793 or visit the website: www.ace-ed.org.uk

You can also contact KIAS (Kirklees Information, Advice and Support Service Special Educational Needs) formally Parent Partnership 01484 225422.

You can also find information and support for parents on a wide range of issues on the following websites:

What if I am not satisfied with the way the school has dealt with my complaint?

If you believe the governing body is acting unreasonably or failing to carry out its statutory duties properly you should write a letter to the Secretary of State for Education asking them to look into your complaint, enclosing copies of all correspondence you have had with the school and the Governing Body in relation to your concerns. Further information can be located here; https://www.gov.uk/government/ministers/secretary-of-state-for-education

Further advice can be found on their website: www.education.gov.uk

The school has a duty under the Education Act 2002 to publicise the complaints procedure. This can be done by including a summary in the school’s prospectus, displaying posters or leaflets, or on the school’s website.

Individuals contacting the local authority regarding a school complaint will be provided with information on the procedure and encouraged to contact the school directly. The headteacher will be informed of any calls that have been made to the LA regarding a complaint about their school.

Stages of Complaints:

Stage 1: Informal

The school will take informal concerns seriously and make every effort to resolve the matter quickly.

Stage 2: Formal

Formal complaints can be raised:

  • By letter or email
  • Over the phone
  • In person
  • By a third party acting on behalf of the complainant

Stage 3: Submit the complaint to a review panel

Further information can be located in Seva Education’s complaint policy.


Complaints policy

For the detail complaints procedure please refer to our Complaints policy
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Complaints Data

Number of Complaints received: 1
Last Updated: Autumn Term 2023-2024