Curriculum Overview
Our Curriculum is built around the students’ individual needs pathway
Our vision is to provide students with the confidence, skills, and ambition to achieve a successful and productive life. We aim to ensure that the curriculum provided leaves our students with a wide range of opportunities to become positive members of their communities.
To do this, we have 3 principles that underpin our policies, practices, and everything we do:
- Everyone can learn, achieve, and has the potential to be successful
- Positive relationships are key to success and are underpinned by mutual trust, respect and caring for one another
- We have high expectations in everything we do
We offer a wide range of curriculum components. Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) is the overarching umbrella that encompasses personal development across the whole curriculum which include the following:
ASDAN Courses - What is ASDAN?
Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network
ASDAN programmes and qualifications are widely recognised for providing an engaging curriculum that empowers students through personalised learning and choice. They support students in their vocational learning and education.
Our courses motivate and enhance learners' confidence, self-esteem, and resilience. In addition, learners develop core skills in teamwork, communication, problem solving, research and self-management.
ASDAN courses are divided into two curriculum levels:
- Programmes – structured, ‘light touch’ courses that promote active learning and progression and reward achievement
- Qualifications – from Entry 1 to Level 3, approved by the national regulators for England (Ofqual)
Entry Level English and Mathematics - This is a stepping stone to embark on to further educational qualifications.
Functional Skills & GCSE - We facilitate students’ access to a wide range of subjects to support their chosen pathways.
We also offer:
- PHSEE and social skills - These modules are set around supporting students' understanding of Personal, Health, Social and Economic education. This also incorporates the understanding of British Values, diversity, and equal opportunities
- Emotional support and development - We believe in reflective practice and a nurture-based approach
- Reading skills - Pupils are encouraged and supported to read daily and develop a love for reading a range of materials
- Learning around character and attitudes – Personal Skills
- RSE - Our Relationship and Sex educational modules are reflective of national requirements
- Work Experience - This will be accessed within students’ chosen vocational projects
- Enrichment Experiences - This is the development of a student’s social, moral, spiritual and cultural knowledge that will provide them the building blocks to succeed in education, work and society
- Trips, Celebrations and Visits form part of our ongoing curriculum
- Independent Careers advice - Includes support with Employment Skills/CV building, creating a personal statement and job searching
- Community Engagement and Wider Development opportunities are part of our day to day offering
At Seva Education (7-16 provision) our curriculum is developed through Curriculum Maestro which follows the National Curriculum.
At Seva Education's (Further Education provision) we focus on key pathways for Preparation for Adulthood through enriched programmes such as ASDAN, Pearson and NCFE.