Support and opportunity for every student

Wellbeing & mental health

The personal growth of our students could not be more important to us

Outstanding pastoral care is at the heart of everything we do. Through respect, warmth and openness, we aim to create an environment where students feel happy and healthy. Although success in all aspects of school life is celebrated, we pride ourselves as advocates for positive mental health and wellbeing.

We aim to provide the support and opportunity for every student at Seva Education to embrace their strengths and to develop the skills needed for them to flourish and thrive in the wider world with a positive outlook.


Pupils and staff are invited to take time out from their routine and attend daily mindfulness sessions led by our Pastoral Support Officer.

New students are welcomed with warmth and care, and we provide an individual approach to supporting them through their settling in period with us.

Our Mental Health First Aiders on-site support wellbeing and mental health at early stages.

Our extra-curricular activities are devised to support good mental health and wellbeing.