English as Additional Language
As a school, we recognise that EAL Status is dependent on which language was learned first by a child. Everyone is welcome at Seva Education and we celebrate cultural backgrounds and diversity. In our school the teaching and learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of all our children are valued. We encourage and support all our children to achieve the highest possible standards. We do this through taking account of each child’s life experiences and needs (their Cultural Capital) and this is reflected through our diverse text-led curriculum. As a school, we recognise and understand the difference between communication skills and language proficiency for all children. For example, a child’s ability to participate in the full curriculum may be in advance of their ability to communicate in English.
The aim of this policy is to help ensure that we meet the full range of needs of those children who are learning English as an additional language. This is in line with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010. We also use Class Dojo (https://www.classdojo.com/en-gb/?redirect=true, also see Behaviour Policy for other relevant information) to communicate with families so that messages can be translated easily and allow for further family engagement with the school.
What is our EAL provision at Seva Education?
Early English skills are developed through the use of careful assessments carried out using diagnostic observational tools. These allow the school to closely monitor individual children’s skills and knowledge in the following areas:
- Language Acquisition
- Social Interaction
- Basic Subject skills – Reading, Writing and Maths
Seva Education recognises that EAL students needing additional support do not automatically have SEND needs. However, should SEND needs be identified during assessment, EAL students will have equal access to school SEND provision. Similarly, the school recognises that there may be EAL students who are gifted or talented even though they may not be fully fluent in English.
We aim to provide all staff with high-quality professional development to develop their knowledge of EAL pedagogy and their skills for teaching EAL learners - some of which is delivered through Learning Village (https://www.learningvillage.net).
In our school all staff take action to help children who are learning English as an additional language in the following ways:
- developing their spoken, understanding and written English by:
- ensuring that vocabulary work covers the technical as well as the everyday meaning of key words, metaphors and idioms;
- explaining how speaking and writing in English are structured for different purposes across a range of subjects;
- providing a range of reading materials that highlight the different ways in which English is used;
- ensuring that there are effective opportunities for talking, and that talking is used to support writing;
- endeavour to build on children’s experiences of language at home and in the wider community, so that their developing uses of English and other languages support one another; ensuring access to the curriculum and to assessment by:
- using accessible texts and materials that suit children’s ages and levels of learning;
- providing support through the use of technology including Learning Village, audio visual materials and dictionaries
At Seva Education, EAL students have access to resources, both online and within the classroom setting to ensure they have suitable language and we follow the below timeline for new EAL learners to the school:
How do we monitor this?
Every child, regardless of their EAL proficiency, will be able to access learning within the classroom alongside their peers and will be supported, along with their family, to extend their English knowledge. Staff have high expectations of students who have EAL and these
students are monitored regularly both through summative and formative assessments. EAL children are a focus of Pupil Progress meetings which are held regularly throughout the year as a collaborative approach to share good practice and enhance our provision for these students, whilst identifying any needs as they arise.
Our students will progress to the relevant phases of education having experienced suitable EAL provision to enable them to feel welcome and valued within the community and able to communicate effectively in a range of situations.